Fun Facts About Your Oral Health!
Some dentist recommend toothbrushes be kept at least 6 feet from the toilet to avoid airborne particles that result from flushing the toilet.
32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers.
The average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime – enough to fill 2 swimming pools!
The first toothbrush with bristles was developed in China in 1948. The bristles were taken from hogs, and later, horses and badgers. Nylon bristles were introduced in 1938 by Dupont.
Some other common tooth remedies from ancient times: for toothache, boil earthworms in oil and put oil drops in your ear. To make loose teeth firm, tie a frog to your jaw.
A tooth that has been knocked out starts to die within 15 minutes, but if you put it in milk or hold it in your mouth it will survive longer. See a dentist ASAP!
Your teeth are unique! That’s why there also is forensic dentistry and records of dental patients are taken to match teeth of recovered bodies.
Flossing is good for you